Earn up to 0.00032 mBTC per click Earn up to 0.00025 mBTC per affiliate/referral click Minimum payout is 0.10000 mBTC Affiliate/referral program with a 40% to 80% commission! Premium membership costs 0.97200 mBTC/3 months and earn x2 your earnings.
Script details
By cgerabit
Created on August 12, 2018
Category: PTC or Ads - Bitcoin
Version: 16 (Last update: October 05, 2019)
Downloads: 3386
Captcha: Math, Captcha
Payouts: Wallet
Status: Working
Earn up to 0.00032 mBTC per click Earn up to 0.00025 mBTC per affiliate/referral click Minimum payout is 0.10000 mBTC Affiliate/referral program with a 40% to 80% commission! Premium membership costs 0.97200 mBTC/3 months and earn x2 your earnings.